Bedroom Organization


Finally, we conquered all three closets in my home! (Yes, all three are mine) They’re all great sizes but don’t have any built in storage. I didn’t want to spend a ton of money and Life In Jeneral always wants to accommodate your budget. So we opted for some storage pieces that I could take if i ever move instead of custom building anything. If you know me I usually can be seen in jeans and a white t-shirt most days. But NOW, after cleaning out my clothes AND organizing I have had SO much fun getting ready. From wearing cuter outfits to switching out my jewelry. I feel like a new woman! (I also feel like a woman who does not need to go shopping for a LONG time).  All I have to do is think of an outfit idea and I know exactly where to go and find it. I also don’t have to rip my closet apart thinking I might not no where something is. Truly life changing. Here are the products we used in the closets!



Office Organization


Hangover Hacks